

Friday, January 21, 2011

You Don't Have to Skip Carbs to be Thin

Remember when you were at a party and your "sweet tooth" was finding it hard to resist the foods because you were trying to avoid foods that have carbohydrates in it? You must have heard the myth that to lose weight you should avoid carbohydrate rich-foods.

Carbohydrates are one of the three main energy-producing substances that our body needs. It comprise mostly of the foods that is usually available on the table. Without them, the body will have difficulty in doing the tasks needed on a daily basis, the body will have a sensation of starvation and the body will soon feel weak and sick. Our body needs carbohydrates, but we just have to choose the good carbohydrates. Most of the time,  we indulge in white breads, pasta, white rice and sugar. These are bad carbohydrates. Too much of these contribute to the culprit in gaining weight. However, we don't necessarily need to avoid carbohydrates to be thin. We just have to choose the good carbs.

Image by Christian Santos Galang
Do you know that vegetables and fruits are carbohydrates?  And so are the beans, grains and nuts are also sources of carbohydrates. These are the kind of foods that helps sustain our energy because these are the good carbohydrates that contains the much-needed phytonutrients to support our immune system .  You can eat as much as you can of the vegetables, which are good carbohydrates, and never to worry about gaining weight because the fiber content of the vegetables supports a better elimination.

So to be healthier and thin, don't skip the carbs,
choose the good carbs and enjoy a full healthy meal.
Grain products are often baked, and are rich s...Image via Wikipedia

Here's to your weight loss success!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Stress is a Threat to Your Weight

Most have tried diet pills, weight loss machines, slimming teas, detoxification programs but losing weight seem to be a struggle forever, and this contributes to their stress, creating an additional culprit to weight gain.
I lose water weight during the week and gain o...Image by Newbirth35 via Flickr

As defined by Hans Selye,MD.,Ph.D, "stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand".  In the Wikipedia dictionary , stress is defined as a failure to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.

A toddler girl cryingImage via Wikipedia

Stress therefore, can be coming from anywhere. it is the body's reaction to change such as environmental conditions, social scorn, physical and emotional issues. Being overweight is such a huge stressor itself.
Stress affects the hormonal balance in the body therefore also affects the body's ability to lose weight. In the event of stress, the body release a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible in regulating the physiological responses associated with stress.
During long periods of stress, the body releases more cortisol, decreasing the body's sensitivity to leptin, a hormone that is responsible in giving signal to your brain that you are full. When this happens, there is a tendency that you will crave for more sugar, therefore you tend to eat more, adding more calories and pounds retained. This is also the mechanism that happens to most people who craves for chocolates, cakes or anything sweet when they suddenly encounter an emotional stress (now understand your brokenhearted friend and your anxious mom).

Dolly Stressed Out!Image by kelvin255 via Flickr

Consider relaxation techniques such as massage and meditation as a part of your weight loss regimen, so you lessen the release of too much cortisol when you see a plateau on the weighing scale. Soon, the pounds will start to fall off again.

Here's to your weight loss success!

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